LiveCode for FM Guide Ben Lui

Installing the Android SDK

Updated on

In order to deploy an app for Android, LCFM Native connects to the Android Software Development Kit. You will need to install this on your computer before you begin. You also need to install the Java JDK, which is required by this SDK.

Installing Java 8

LCFM Native currently requires Java 8, and only Java 8, to be installed on your computer.  If you have a later version of Java, you will need to uninstall it, and then install Java 8. To do this:

1. Go to the Finder and in the top Finder menubar choose Go -> Go to Folder

2. Enter /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ and press Go

3. You are now in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ and you might see a folder named for example "jdk-10.0.2.jdk".

Delete this folder.

4. Download and install Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 8.x for MacOS x64, for example "JDK 8u281" from Oracles website, here.

Update: Any version of JDK 8.x will do, as long as the major version is 8. The page updates regularly and only shows the most recent version, currently 8u341.

Download for Mac OS X x64. When you click on download you will be asked to agree to the software license, click agree. Install the dmg file and go back to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ to confirm it is now present.

Downloading Android Studio

You now need to download and install Android Studio, which you can find here:

After installing Android Studio, open it.

Click on the 3 dots at the top right, and choose SDK Manager

Write down the "Android SDK Location" path. The LiveCode for FM Tool automatically detects this path, but in some cases you might have to tell LiveCode for FM Tool where to look for this.

Now you'll need to install some additional packages.

In the "SDK" Platforms tab, make sure you have checked "Android 12.0 (R)"

In the "SDK Tools" tab, ensure "Show Package Details" is checked at the bottom right. Then, check "30.0.3" under the section "Android SDK Build-Tools"

Then click OK. This will install the selected packages. Click yes in the dialog that will appear and ask you to confirm your choice.

When the additional components are installed, click on Finish button to close the dialog:

You should now have successfully installed all the required Android SDK additional components for use with LiveCode for FM.

LiveCode for FM automatically detects the location of your Android JDK and SDK root folders. However, if for some reason you have to set them manually, these are the default locations you should use:

For the Android SDK: ~/Library/Android/sdk/

For the Java JDK: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_xyz.jdk/Contents/Home/

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