LiveCode for FM Guide Ben Lui

App Identifiers

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During setup for your app, you will be asked to enter an App Identifier. 

On Android

For Android apps, you simply need to enter a unique identifier for your app, of the form


It must start with com and be different for every app. If you use the same identifier for a new app, and you install it on a device that has a previous app with the same identifier, your app will crash.

Your identifier is used when you publish to the Google Play store. From the Developer instructions for Android apps:

Every Android app has a unique application ID that looks like a Java package name, such as com.example.myapp. This ID uniquely identifies your app on the device and in Google Play Store. If you want to upload a new version of your app, the application ID (and the certificate you sign it with) must be the same as the original APK—if you change the application ID, Google Play Store treats the APK as a completely different app. So once you publish your app, you should never change the application ID.

Important note: Do not use any java reserved words in your identifier. This is a list of words that will cause issues with your identifier:

abstract assert boolean break byte case

catch char class const continue default

double do else enum extends false

final finally float for goto if

implements import instanceof int interface long

native new null package private protected

public return short static strictfp super

switch synchronized this throw throws transient

true try void volatile while

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