LiveCode for FM Guide Ben Lui

How do I Create a Development Provisioning Profile for iOS?

Updated on

This is the final stage and will create the development provisioning profile you need to use when building your iOS standalone.

LC4FM will automatically locate your development profile once it has been set up, and you can choose it from the iOS deployment window.

First, go to Apple Developer portal: and click on Profiles:


1. Select New Profile (+)

2. Select "iOS App Development" and continue

3. Select the appropriate App ID for your application and continue

4. Select your development certificate and continue

5. Select the devices that you wish to be able to test your application on and continue

6. Give your profiles a name and then press "generate"

7. Select Generate.

8. Select the Download button from the next screen or from the Development Provisioning Profile you created.

This allows you to download the .mobileprovision file.

9. Double click the .mobileprovision file to install the Provisioning Profile on your computer.

10. Confirm it is installed in the correct place, it should be in /Users/<username>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/


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